Terms & Conditions


  1. The terms and conditions below apply to all coaching and mentoring services provided by Mindful Doorways LLC. to any individual or organisation (“the client”) and constitute the contract for the service to be provided by Mindful Doorways for the client. The term ‘coaching’ as here used covers life coaching, personal coaching, executive coaching and business coaching for clients and where applicable includes mentoring or supervision services provided for clients, coaches or others.
  2. Coaching is not psychological counselling or any type of therapy, and should not be construed as such.
  3. In return for the fees payable by the client (or by a third party on their behalf), Mindful Doorways agrees to provide the service as described below and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below. The client agrees to pay fees for the service on the terms and conditions set out below (in situations where a third party pays the fees, the third party counts as an agent acting on behalf of the client).
  4. The date that the first coaching or teaching session takes place shall be deemed to be the start date for the service. Participation by any individual in the first coaching/teaching session constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. The client will be required to sign a contract with Mindfulness Doorways at the commencement of coaching or teaching.

Responsibility & Commitment

  1. Mindful Doorways will seek to enable the client to set and achieve goals that will help to bring about desired outcomes for the client. The client has sole responsibility for any decisions they may make following coaching or teaching with Mindful Doorways.  Mindful Doorways accepts no liability for the client’s actions. Mindful Doorways has no liability for any loss incurred by any client, whether financial or otherwise, following commencement of coaching or teaching sessions, or for any perceived failure by the client, whether justified or otherwise, to achieve a material improvement in quality of life or to achieve their desired outcomes or goals.
  2. The client will be required to complete a ‘Commitment to Coaching/teaching’ form at the commencement of coaching or teaching; the client will be asked if they are ready to take action to make the necessary changes.


  1. Personal information or business information supplied to Mindfulness Doorways by the client in coaching or teaching sessions will be treated as confidential. It will not be disclosed to a third party without the client’s prior permission, save where required by law.
  2. Mindfulness Doorways and the client will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement at commencement of coaching or teaching.  Mindful Doorways will respect the client’s privacy and seek written permission before disclosing they are a client.
  3. Mindful Doorways requires that the client provide an emergency contact name and telephone number, to be used only in the event of an emergency, such as sudden illness or accident.
  4. All documentation and information relating to the client will be held according to the Data Protection 1998, except as permitted by the client in writing or as required by law.

Clarity & Style

  1. Mindful Doorways will discuss with the client their preferred style of coaching.  The client has the right to talk openly and candidly with the coach or teacher, and the client is encouraged to discuss any concerns they have with Mindfulness Doorways on any area of the coaching/teaching process.  Mindful Doorways welcomes openness and honesty.
  2. Feedback about the service is welcomed and can be given during a coaching/teaching session or by writing to Mindful Doorways LLC, 5639 Blue Mountain Circle, Longmont – CO- 80503, or via email to MindfulDoorways@gmail.com
  3. Mindful Doorways  is continually striving to ensure the standard of service it provides to its clients remains outstanding.  At the end of the coaching/teaching process, or series of coaching/teaching sessions, the client will be asked to complete a feedback form.

Coaching Procedure

  1. The coaching/teaching schedule will be arranged between Mindful Doorways.  Mindful Doorways will recommend the frequency of coaching/teaching sessions based on a professional assessment of the client’s requirements. This recommendation, or plan, or course  is not binding and may be altered and adjusted throughout the coaching/teaching journey by mutual agreement, in accordance with the terms set out in this agreement.
  2. The number of coaching/teaching session will be agreed at the start of coaching/teaching between Mindful Doorways and the client, and confirmed by Mindful Doorways by email or written correspondence. Where no specific number is agreed sessions/courses will be provided on a session/course by session/course basis. Due to the nature of coaching/teaching, the initial term usually recommended is four sessions/courses.  Full payment is due before or at the first session/course. Additional sessions/courses can be booked thereafter.
  3. The length of each session/class is usually 1 hour but can be agreed between Mindful Doorways and the client at the commencement of the session.
  4. Coaching/teaching will take place between the client and the coach/teacher face-to-face (venue by mutual agreement), via Skype (client calls coach/teacher), or by telephone (client calls coach/teacher).  Face-to-face coaching/teaching will take place in the offices of Mindful Doorways or at a mutually agreed venue. Where coaching/teaching takes place at a mutually agreed venue the client will be liable for any costs incurred by Mindful Doorways at that time. Unless otherwise agreed, the client is responsible for telephoning Mindful Doorways at agreed times.
  5. Mindful Doorways may assign the client tasks or exercises to complete between coaching/teaching sessions. There is no obligation on the client to complete these tasks, but not doing so may slow the client’s progress in gaining improved quality of life or achieving desired business or personal outcomes. Where possible, clients are requested to submit any information requested by Mindful Doorways relating to assignments at least 24 hours before the coaching/teaching session when they are to be discussed. Mindful Doorways will provide feedback on completed assignments during coaching/teaching sessions.
  6. The client may contact Mindful Doorways by phone or email between sessions/courses to share a success or seek clarification on a coaching/teaching issue.  Support between sessions is seen by Mindful Doorways as a necessary part of the coaching/teaching process. Mindful Doorways will always advise a client in advance if the nature of a client’s contact is likely to incur an additional charge, and no such charges will be imposed without the client’s agreement.

Cancellation & Rearranging Sessions

  1. If the client needs to rearrange a coaching session, they should provide at least 48 hours’ notice. No refunds will be given to clients for unused coaching/teaching sessions unless 48 hours’ notice has been given. In exceptional circumstances Mindful Doorways may need to rearrange a coaching/teaching session; in these circumstances Mindful Doorways will use reasonable endeavours to provide a mutually satisfactory alternative appointment the client.
  2. Where a client pays for a session, or sessions, in advance they must have the coaching/teaching session(s) that they have paid for within 6 months of the payment, or their fee is forfeited.
  3. The client may terminate their coaching/teaching contract at any time in writing.  Any monies owed at the time of cancellation will become due immediately. Refunds on payments made against future sessions will be at the discretion of Mindful Doorways.
  4. In exceptional circumstances, such as illness or unavailability due to bereavement or other commitments, inappropriate behaviour by the client, actual or potential conflict of interest, or other reasons, Mindful Doorways can decide to terminate the service to the client early or refuse or be unable to provide further coaching/teaching sessions to the client. In such a circumstance the client will be given reasonable notice of termination by Mindful Doorways where practicable, and will be refunded any advance payments made for coaching/teaching sessions not yet provided.
  5. There may be occasions when Mindful Doorways may recommend to the client that they seek an alternative service more suited to their current needs.  In this event Mindful Doorways will fully discuss the reasons for the recommendation with the client. It is the client’s sole responsibility to decide whether to follow the recommendation and Mindful Doorways does not accept any liability for the outcome of any decisions the client chooses to make.