Trainings for Adults, Teenagers and Children


Mindful Doorways Trainings

Mindful Doorways weekly adult group setting

Mindful Doorways weekly adult group setting

Mindfulness – Open Setting

Offering weekly guided Mindfulness practices, for Adults in an open setting.

Learning different techniques and practices, how you can integrate Mindfulness into your daily life. We will explore Simple and effective guided exercises you can practice in your daily life, giving you a personal experience first hand.

You will have many possibilities to practice different Mindfulness tools and find out, which one will work best for you. This will be an open setting, drop ins are welcome.

Please, contact Corina, for location, time and date for the next class. Space is limited.
Suggested donation $15.00.

Mindful Doorways for Teens and adolescents

Mindful Doorways for Teens and adolescents

I truly enjoy working with Teens and Adolescents. Teaching Mindfulness in classrooms, I  personally experience how “School life” can be sometimes challenging and difficult. Learning skills to regulate and express emotions and feelings in a healthy way is very rewarding.

To experience that young Adults can manage their life and find positive solutions, be able to find their strength and creative ways for themselves, gives them self confidence and resilience.

Please, contact Corina, for location, time and date for the next “session”. Space is limited.

For Adolescents and Teens only.
Free  Admission.

Mindful Doorways for Parents

Mindful Doorways for Parents
SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and Mindfulness for Parents

Social Emotional Learning

Social emotional learning starts at home. Parents and families are critical partners in helping their children develop social and emotional know-how. They can model the kind of skills, attitudes, and behaviors we want all children to master.

Mindfulness practices will support this process. You will learn mindful techniques and tools for  you and your children.

This classes will vary for K-2, Grade 3-5 and Middle School

We will explore in this 6 week class, how you as parents can learn to support your children at home, with social emotional skills and Mindfulness practices.

For example giving strategies when

  • Preparing your child for school
  • Releasing test anxiety
  • Asking the “right” questions
  • Hands on activities etc.

Please, contact Corina, for location, time and date for the next “session”. Space is limited.

Mindful Doorways at School

Mindful Doorways at School – Teachers and students K-12

Mindfulness for busy teachers:

Teachers can bring more tranquility to class, especially when they radiate calmness themselves. In view of the psychological stress in our culture and especially in the teaching profession, it makes sense to do something for their relaxation when they teach.

Since the teacher’s personality contributes decisively to the success or failure of the lesson, not only the professional preparation of the teaching material, but also the conscious effort for their own inner peace to prepare for lessons and care of their students.

My wish and commitment is to further establish mindfulness in schools. To give children, adolescents, and educators tools to help all those involved to better meet the challenges at school, peer pressure and in their daily life.

To better assist you, please contact Corina, for available trainings and classes. Depending on your school requirements and needs, a proposal will be developed and submitted for your consideration.

Mindful Doorways for Students K-12:

Mindfulness is a skill like reading and writing. By practicing this skill on a regularly basis, we can learn and use this mindful tools and techniques when we need it.

Mindful Doorways for Students is a wellbeing program which brings mindfulness to students to build attention, self-regulation and empathy. The program also includes the conscious development of positive states of mind, such as kindness, self-care, and compassion.It teaches social and emotional learning skills that are grounded in mindful awareness and neuroscience. It will complement and reinforce existing SEL programs.

Mindful Doorways for Students has 12 weekly core and 8 additional lessons which are approximately 15 – 30 minutes each.

My intention is to establish mindfulness programs in schools as a natural offer and a deeper understanding that the highest priority for Students K-12 is freedom in the mind, resilience, and growing compassion.

Mindful Doorways for Students can by tailored to the individual needs for your school settings.

For your individual needs and information please contact Corina.

To better assist you please contact Corina, for available trainings and classes. Depending on your school requirements and needs, a proposal will be developed and submitted for your consideration.

Mindful Doorways at Work

Mindful Doorways at Work

There’s a strong business case for practicing mindfulness at work. We spend most of our time doing our day jobs, but the time we spend at work can sometimes feel stressful, demanding, distracting and difficult. When the pressure piles up, the amount of mental energy spent on work-related issues can spill over into our home lives and even be bad for our health.

A culture of mindfulness in the workplace could certainly be a step in the right direction to improve your personal wellbeing. The potential benefits of practicing mindfulness at work could include improved resilience, the cultivation of positive workplace relationships and better collaboration between colleagues.

Mindfulness is the essence of engagement. Being fully present — and allowing you and your team to be fully in the moment — will reap rewards on a personal and professional level.

Why is it beneficial to practice Mindfulness at work?

  • Cultivate creative thinking
  • Experience better well-being,
  • Improve Empathy and compassion
  • Increase capacity for resilience
  • Cultivate stress management
  • Enhance deep listening skills
  • Practicing Mindfulness in a group setting improves team -building

Mindful Doorways at work is created to enhance a healthy living lifestyle, creating more happiness and finding team-oriented solutions at work and in your private life.

Please, contact Corina, for detailed information, time and date for the next workshop.

The workshops can be tailor-made to your business imperatives and will give participants the opportunity to find out what mindfulness is (and isn’t), as well as the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows’ of practicing mindfulness.


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